Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Eve of M family social experiment

I am pretty sure Alex is nuts. Four kids ranging from 4 to 10 not getting candy, cake, or even a PB&J sandwich for two weeks is a recipe for disaster. They all agreed to this hair-brained idea in theory, but once we get to putting into practice, I have a feeling they will get grumpy quick. Regardless, we are going to go ahead anyway.

Starting tomorrow, we will be documenting everything any of us eat for two weeks. By the end of two weeks we will have a more tangible understanding of how incredibly well provided for we are. During that two weeks, we will research some less fortunate countries and choose a country whose diet we will then adopt for the next two weeks after that. We will then donate any money we saved on groceries to a charity that works in that country. All of this being documented, I hope that at the end of the month, each of us will have gained some valuable understanding and hopefully expanded our gratitude. Regardless of the trepidation I have about certain parts of this, I am genuinely excited to see how this experiment shapes us as a family and individually.

I have a feeling that there is a lot of rice and beans in our future......


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